In Lagos, amidst the ongoing fuel scarcity, a tragic incident unfolded at a petrol station owned by the Nigerian National Petroleum Company Limited in Obalende, Ikoyi area, resulting in the loss of a young man’s life. Toheeb Eniafe’s family is now plunged into sorrow following his fatal shooting.
The incident occurred late on Wednesday, instilling fear among local residents. Eyewitnesses recounted that Eniafe was waiting in line to purchase petrol when the altercation transpired. Allegedly, two individuals, suspected to be military personnel, attempted to bypass the queue and gain immediate access to fuel.
This disregard for the queue sparked heated confrontation, as Eniafe and others objected to their entitled privilege. Eyewitnesses confirm that Eniafe led the opposition, insisting that the men follow the queue protocol like everyone else.
Unfortunately, the altercation escalated into physical violence, culminating in the tragic demise of the young man. The perpetrator fled the scene after fatally shooting Eniafe, leaving behind a shocked and grieving community.
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